The Human Resources Committee is a blend of HR professionals comprised of managers and directors within the one-call industry. This unique and valuable committee provides its members the opportunity to participate in a forum of open, round-table style discussions. Committee members share personal expertise, company policy and procedure documentation and management success stories. Networking opportunities during these meetings prove invaluable in the dynamic world of HR, Benefit, and Personnel Management.
By consensus, their fall and spring meeting agendas are decided on by current regional & national HR-related hot topics and challenges. This committee consistently invites professional and proven guest speakers, and as a consortium, cost share speaker fees. Participation in the FNCA HR Committee provides an opportunity to share management experiences that are unique to the one-call industry and cannot be found at other national contact center conferences.
To register as a new user of FNCA, or for existing users who would like to join this committee, please use the following link to get started. Welcome to FNCA.